What’s the Story Behind the Game “The Witcher – Wild hunt”?

The game made in 2014 by CD Projekt Red is based on a series of novels by Andrzej Sapkowski.

The game’s story starts with Geralt of Rivia a witcher trained with the help of Alchemists. The Witcher trains with the help of the magic, and his mission is to bring back the balance by killing the evil monsters who are causing harm to normal humans in the villages and towns. The Witcher is not a hero rather he is a killer of monsters. If someone has been wronged, the villagers will go directly to the witcher. Although in some areas, an alternate method is preferred, where the sufferer pays a hefty fine to hold a public competition between witches with witchers being chosen via a lottery system.

While in the midst of such mission, Geralt meets with a Wild Hunt which is led by King of The Wild Hunt, Skelligan Jorgen Ferreese. With his father’s death, Geralt finds himself in the middle of an epic war, and he will need to find his inner strength to rescue his beloved from the hands of the Wild Hunt.

What to Expect in The Game?

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Geralt starts off in a search for his missing friend/priestess Yennifer, and in order to find her, he has to go through a series of quests and errands. Throughout this quest, Geralt gets teased for having been turned into a werewolf (a condition known as “Witchers’ Curse”) which meant that he could not have sexual relations with his wife Yennifer because he feared being mutated into a wolf that attacks her.

Eventually, Geralt leaves Yennifer to find his missing friend/priestess as he set out on a series of side quests and errands that revolved around him finding more information about the mysterious Wild Hunt and the origins behind it. In doing so, Geralt will fight against many other monsters in order to protect and save people from harm. Geralt’s journey comes full circle when he battles against the Skelligan Jorgen Ferreese who is the King of Wild Hunt and also happens to be Yennifer’s ex-lover. But, it is not until this time that Geralt mentions that he does not want to be with Yennifer because of his werewolf curse.

Throughout Geralt’s journey he somehow manages to capture the heart of three women; Yennifer, Triss Merrigold and Shani (and maybe even Ciri). He even marries Ciri in one of the game’s ending out of many choices that you have as Geralt for one reason or another. But, each relationship that you will experience with these women is very unique and you as a player are allowed to make decisions on what kind do you want to have with these women who all are very understanding, beautiful, wonderful and natural. You can even make it all about sex if you wish as each one of these relationships can contribute something special to your adventure.

Almost forgot to mention the Soundtrack, It’s just great!

Choices Matter – Make your Decisions Wisely!

With having multiple choices throughout your entire adventure in The Witcher Wild Hunt, you do have an opportunity at some point to make some important decisions that may alter the course of your journey. For example, you can decide on which side you want to be loyal too or if you even want to choose any side at all?! Once you make a decision, either way, your adventure will continue on that path full throttle!

The decisions I choose while playing this game were based upon how I felt at any given moment (ie: I felt that two characters really loved each other that I was confident enough to give them both their happy endings). However; if I did not choose passionately each time I was presented with those choices then my other choices would not have been possible. But yet using my passion I was able to achieve anything I wanted – which was only possible because I played the game through several times over several years – kinda like playing Final Fantasy 7 but different because this story is far more realistic than an epic futuristic space fighting Fantasy game could’ve ever dreamed of!

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